
国内如何免费上facebookbillion assets under management. 100% invested for impact.
 400,000tonnes of CO₂ emissions avoided


A radical agenda for a green, inclusive and resilient economy

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For more than 25 years, Triodos Investment Management has been investing to generate social and environmental impact alongside a healthy financial return.


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  • The benefits of renewable energy in emerging markets

    Despite ample natural power sources, the share of wind and solar energy in emerging markets is still low. Find out how financing green energy in emerging markets creates triple impact.

    Strategy insights
  • Current system unable to heal coronavirus scars

    Although most major economies have partially reopened, recovery will be slow and incomplete. A fundamental reset of our economy is necessary to make it more resilient and sustainable.

    Q3 Investment Outlook
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    COVID-19 has put emerging and developing countries’ vulnerabilities under the spotlight once again. Our new Emerging Markets Outlook sheds a light on developments and our expectations for the near- and medium-term future.

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    Explore the impact of our investments in stories and numbers.

    Impact Reports
  • A radical agenda for economic transformation

    Facebook_百度百科:Facebook(中文译为脸书或者脸谱网)是美国的一个社交网络服务网站 ,创立于2021年2月4日,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州门洛帕克。2021年3月6日发布Windows版桌面聊天软件Facebook Messenger。主要创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。Facebook是 ...

    Strategy insights


Impact Equities
and Bonds
Sustainable Food
and Agriculture
and Climate
  • How we invest defines the world we want to live in

    Today’s global challenges need impact investing


  • Triodos Renewables Europe Fund and Sunvest to build two large solar parks


    除了推特。Facebook,Instagram,还有类似很火的软件吗 ...:2021-12-23 · 微信 有土鳖谷歌等,这些都不错,不过国内都打不开,需要借助ysscloud的加速器辅助连接才可以打开。 可以试一下玩LINE 国内玩line用雷光VPN上 你好! line 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。 pinterest这个图片社交的 tumblr 还可以不用加速器,直接 ...

  • Triodos Groenfonds co-finances hydrogen turbine


    Triodos Groenfonds co-finances a hydrogen turbine, which will be built by hydrogen developer HYGRO. Phase of the construction of the mill starts in the Wieringermeer on the ECN Wind Turbine Testveld Wieringermeer.

  • Triodos Renewables Europe Fund finances Giga Rhino Energy Storage System


    Triodos Renewables Europe Fund has provided a EUR 1.2 million subordinated loan to Giga Rhino, a utility scale Lithium-ion energy storage system.

  • From selfie to medical diagnosis: chips make it possible


    Microchips are indispensable parts in many products. They keep our modern society running, thanks to companies such as ASML and TSMC. Triodos IM invests in both companies.

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    Microchips are indispensable parts in many products. They keep our modern society running, thanks to companies such as ASML and TSMC. Triodos IM invests in both companies.

  • Rural focus in Armenia


    ACBA Bank in Armenia has a strong presence in rural communities and focuses on financing farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • Triodos Organic Growth Fund invests in HARi & CO in France


    Triodos Organic Growth Fund invests in French HARi & CO, a front runner in plant-based diets. The fund thus supports the company’s growth ambition in its home market.

  • Triodos Renewables Europe Fund invests in SET Fund III


    As co-investor in SET Fund III, Triodos Renewables Europe Fund invests in European early growth-stage companies that shape the future energy system.

  • Digital lending platform Modalku in Indonesia


    Modalku is Indonesia's largest Fintech company, focusing on serving the needs of micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs). Triodos Microfinance Fund and Triodos Fair Share Fund have provided the institution debt financing.

  • Access to quality education in India


    周宏伟:Neo 2是国内VR玩家的优选,VR游戏机是坚定不移 ...:2021-7-25 · Neo 2是国内玩家的优选 Oculus Quest开创了VR主机游戏新时代,但在国内使用Oculus Quest始终存在众所周知的门槛,无法让一大部分用户体验到优秀的VR体验。 Pico Neo 2作为紧随其后的全新6DoF一体式VR产品,有望填补这块空白,打开中国VR游戏主机市场,让众多中国玩家体验到媲美Quest品质的无拘无束的高 ...


  • LinkCN加速器-魔兽怀旧服正式上线开服;国外玩国服加速器:2021-5-21 · LinkCN官网提供:LinkCN加速 海外华人访问国内网络,免费试用! LinkCN支持海外王者荣耀、吃鸡手游等加速,玩国服游戏降低延迟;LinkCN支持海外看爱奇艺、腾讯视频等,玩游戏,看视频,听音乐就选LinkCN!


    Triodos Bank once again tops the Clean Energy Pipeline Global League Table for number of clean energy deals in 2019, financing 73 deals worth a total $630 million (USD) across Europe.

  • Q3 Outlook - Current system unable to heal coronavirus scars


    Although the partial reopening of most major economies means the global trough in economic activity may be behind us, recovery will be slow and incomplete. A fundamental reset of our economy is necessary to make it more resilient and sustainable.

  • Corona as the salvation of the birds and the bees


    The economic crisis as a result of the corona crisis pales if compared with the enfolding ecological crisis, which is the result of human economic activity. Systemic change is urgently required. Hans Stegeman has hope this may yet happen.

  • It’s time to deep clean our economy


    在国内使用外国国际版抖音tiktok的方法,解决国内如何下载 ...:2021-7-7 · 今天心血来潮想下载一个外国国际版的抖音tiktok逛一逛,下载后发现打开啥都没有,只显示了一句话:Hotvideoslistisempty。如图:登录也登录不了,什么都看不到。这样怎么行,本着geek精神,我决定找到解决办法,让我在国内看到tiktok的内容。于是各种搜集资料,最后终于找到了解决办法。

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    Stock market trends are out of all proportion to the real economic developments. Hans Stegeman has a few explanations, but even more concerns.

  • Mixed impact and common goal after COVID-19

    Strategy insights

    COVID-19 has put emerging and developing countries’ vulnerabilities under the spotlight once again. Our new Emerging Markets Outlook sheds a light on developments and our expectations for the near- and medium-term future.

  • 10 sustainable ways out of the crisis


    The corona crisis provides opportunities for accelerating the creation of a green, resilient economy and a robust climate policy, say Kees Vendrik and Hans Stegeman, economists at Triodos Bank and Triodos Investment Management.

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    Case Study

    The impact of the corona pandemic on the clothing industry is enormous. Why are things going wrong in production chains right now? And how can we use this time as a catalyst for a fairer fashion system?

  • 网易uu网游加速怎么用-百度经验:2021-11-30 · 网易uu网游加速怎么用,你还在为网易uu网游加速怎么用而苦恼吗,今天小编教你网易uu网游加速怎么用,让你告别网易uu网游加速怎么用的烦恼。更多经验请关注Excel小新,如果帮到了你,请在上方给个投票谢谢支持。好人一生平安。先顶后看年薪百万,如果帮到了你,帮忙给个好评,这对小编很重 …

    Long read

    From raw material to the shop where it is bought is a long journey. What happens during that journey? And is this journey different for a fair and sustainable product? Follow the coconut milk from Sri Lanka to supermarket Ekoplaza in the Netherlands.

  • 外国人用什么社交软件?_百度知道:2021-9-1 · 全球人都可以用 的 twitter,facebook,instagram,当然中 2113 国大陆 的好 像 5261 用不了,还有很经典的MSN,外 4102 国人 的空 间MYspace,相当于国内的qq空间,1653 除此之外还有韩国人和日本人喜欢用的Ⅰine,韩国人用的Cyworld,国内的知乎原型Quora,国内的秘密原型secret,这些都是一些外国人用的社交软件。


    The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Impact Equities and Bonds funds was mitigated by their defensive positioning. Director William de Vries explains why. He also urges us towards a more sustainable, less vulnerable economy.

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